Fall 2006Hunt # 2 Jason, who took a Goat with us in 2004, showed up to hunt again for Mt Goat but also hunt for Black Bear and Sitka Blacktail. He took this Sitka Blacktail after 3 days of hunting. It was a long day hunt. Bobby and Jason took off on the trailhead at about 6am, Jason took the shot at about 3pm and made it back to the cabin around 8:30pm .... tired and very happy hunters .... A nice 2 X 3 with eyeguards Right at 18" wide Guide Bob Warren in Big Buck Country While waiting on the weather to get better for the flight into Mt Goat country Jason continued to hunt for Bear. After 3 days and sighting about 17 Bears (or so) Jason took a nice one. They also got in some good Coho fishing Then it was back to Ketchikan and after one more day of weather the flight with Jeff of Carlin Air worked out. Goat Camp Taking a break to glass Jason looking down on the camp (between the lakes) More Glassing The hard work paid off ... Jason and Guide Brian Linville Jason had a great hunt and took home 2 large fish boxes full of Deer; Mt Goat and Coho meat and some nice capes for his taxidermist.
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