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Welcome to Muskeg Excursions live hunt which will be posted daily (maybe multi daily) from the Cabin at Hollis on Prince of Wales Island


After a slow morning and pulling the Crab pots ....

We headed up toward the north central part of the Island to where I know there are some Fossils hiding in the rock ....

Adam and Chuck's camo works ....

They are officially 'Rock Hounds' now ....

But I found the prize of the day !!!!!!

And while we were searching for treasures in the rock ....

Dana was cooken up some good burgers .....

And they were good ... we pigged out

Then it was over to a creek to try our luck ......


It was a great way to spend the afternoon ... then we went over to Coffman Cove to do a little sight seeing ... and pick up a couple dozen fresh Canoe Lagoon Oysters ... They went well with our BBQ steaks to end the day and a great ......... HUNT

Day 1

DAY 1 continued

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 6... Bear in the Boat

Day 7

Day 8

Day 8 ... Adam takes it home

Day 9







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Johnnie Laird
Muskeg Excursions
PO Box 9513
Ketchikan, AK 99901-9513

Tel. (907) 225-9513